Welcome to St. Peter's CE Primary, Heswall! Are you looking for a place for Reception 2025? We would love to welcome you to visit our happy and thriving school. Please call the school office to arrange a walkround with our headteacher Mr Wallace.

Our School Values

Our PETERS values are the golden threads that weave their way through our stimulating and engaging curriculum; staff and children alike, regularly refer to our core beliefs in lessons.  Reflecting upon attitudes to learning, demonstrating exemplary conduct around our school and ensuring well being for all members of our school community, our PETERS values enable all to achieve their full potential.  

In corridors and classrooms, displays depict how our children have become ambassadors for each value, being role models for their peers.  Through our communication with parents via our multiple social media platforms, we also highlight and share how our values have been incorporated into learning with our new digital value badges.  

Each half term, we highlight one PETERS value in turn, with an afternoon dedicated to discussion, reflection and liturgy study which gives our learning the inspiration for life at St. Peter’s.